OKFestival Fringe Events


Fringe Events 2014

OKFestival 2014 is encouraging people to plan and run fringe events to complement the festival, both before and after the official programming.

From hackathons to deep-dive policy workshops, these fringe events created by our community will appeal to coders, data journalists, makers, policy-wonks, technologists, engineers and activists. They'll be hosted off the festival site in various locations around Berlin in the week of the festival, so you can get a flavour for the city. There will also be fringe events in other locations around the world prior to – and after – the festival.

What makes an OKFestival Fringe event?

OKFestival fringe events are events independently organised by open community members before or after OKFestival, focusing on open knowledge topics, but respecting the values of inclusivity and openness which OKFestival stands for, and aligning themselves with the vision and aims of OKFestival 2014. Because they are not organised by us, we do not claim any editorial rights over them, nor have we created stipulations they must meet. However, if we feel a fringe event is not reflective of our festival ethos, we reserve the right not to publish it as part of our official Fringe Events Program.


Fringe Events Programme

In Berlin

Open Food Design

July 10, 2014 – 19:00 – ? @ Entretempo Kitchen Gallery, Senefelderstr. 29, 10437 Berlin


In this lecture we’re going to look at some examples of open design and how it applies to food. In the following week’s workshop we’ll prepare an open design recipe, design original packagings for it, and learn how to use open design tools and websites to share the results with our community.

Food preparation and cultivation has long been part of the commons, the collective material and intellectual wealth of human communities that belongs to all of us. The term “open source” is connected to software development, but the recipes passed over by generations of grandmothers were already open source.

Open design is based on openness and sharing, counteract to recent tendencies towards proprietary, copyrighted, secret plans and recipes. It’s the difference between Monsanto and heirloom seed exchanges. Or big companies secret beverage formulas and projects like FreeBeer.org and OpenCola, whose formulas are collectively designed and freely available.

OpenStreetMap Hackevent

12-13 July, 2014 @ Lars Lingner, c/o Büro 2.0, Weigandufer 45, 12059 Berlin
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OpenStreetMap Hackweekend Berlin is a meeting of OSM hackers and users who work collaboratively on self chosen topics. There are no fees, small beverages are provided as well as free wifi.
There is no need for a registration, but please, if you like to join put your (nick)name on the wiki page.

Open Data Control: Convergence Conference & Hack Weekend

July 12-13, 2014 @ St. Oberholz + St. Meze, Rosenthaler Straße 72a, 10119 Berlin

Open Notice is hosting a Data Control: Convergence Event in Berlin, mixing different communities and efforts engaged in open data and data control. We are inviting communities to mix with the Open Knowledge.

Inviting; all hackers (legal or otherwise), open data creators, data control projects, policy transparency advocates and political pundits to converge and talk about (HACK) the VERY BIG ELEPHANTS in the digital data control room.

We aim to bring up the ‘elephants in the room' when it comes to personal data control, notice and consent. We’ll be discussing what is emerging next in Big Data, data control and privacy and challenge you to think big in terms of doing something about it.

Event Website – http://opennotice.legalhackathon.org

Hack / Make The Bank – Open Data Edition


July 13, 2014 @ Co-up, Adalbertstraße 8, 10999 Berlin

The 4rd edition of Hack/Make The Bank Hackathon will host programmers, designers and financial services industry experts for 2 days of brainstorming, software creation and fun! Attendees will leverage and combine a number of financial and related APIs in order to bring their innovative ideas to life! Using the Open Bank Project API and other open datasets and APIs, participants will be asked to imagine and build a more transparent and open banking future. Organised by TESOBE / The Open Bank Project. Please register here.

Read more on the event website.

OuiShare Labs Hacks

July 14, 2014 @ Spreeacker, Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg, 10179 Berlin
Are you curious about the so-called sharing economy? Do you sometimes wonder how new institutions of exchange will be shaped? Would you like to meet another European network of networks, investigating communication tools for a new millennium? Come and discuss your opinion on valuable hacks for mutual sharing.
Topics: Federated Social Web/ Linked Open Data: Hyperdata/ Resource sharing: needs + offers, i.e. nutrition, accommodation, transportation/ Community Building: Harmonious Hackathons/ Research: intentional, distributed action/ Open Source: leaving proprietary social networks.
Register here.

Citable Software Publication Hackathon

July 14, 2014 – 10am – ? @ Albert Einstein Science Park, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam (Building A70, Room 210)


This one day kick-off hackathon aims to establish a prototype platform for the publication of scientific software source code with persistent identifiers so that software becomes citable. We will look at the requirements for software publication, code archives, metadata and persistent identification of software. We want to make software recognized as scientific achievement and want to establish best practices for publishing software, whilst promoting Open Science. Since software already has become an integral part of science, it’s time to integrated software properly into the scientific discourse with published and citable software. We want to finish the hack day with a first prototype paving the way for further discussions and follow-up hackathons. This fringe event is organized in the context of http://www.sciforge-project.org

Let us know you're coming and contact: martin.hammitzsch (a) gfz-potsdam (dot) de

The SWAG Jam with AWAC Artists Juliani and Valsero

July 15, 2014 – 22.00 – ? @ BADEHAUS Szimpla, Revalerstrasse 99 (RAW Tempel), 10245 Berlin


AWAC musicians Juliani and Valsero join Berlin-based hip-hop band The SWAG for a concert at Badehaus. The SWAG Jam is a weekly concert and open mic, and Juliani and Valsero have been invited to join The SWAG for this week’s event.

Partnership for Open Data Fringe Event

15 July, 2014 – 10.00-12.00 @ Betahaus, Prinzessinnenstr. 19, 10969 berlin
Partnership for Open Data
The Partnership for Open Data fosters sustainable open data ecosystems in developing countries and we are hosting an OKFestival fringe events to give our local partners the opportunity to present their challenges, activities and learnings. Earlier this year we run the first Impact Story Competition. During the event, winners will be awarded. We will also present the objectives of the Partnership for Open Data, what we do and how to participate.
Sign-up via the Eventbrite Page. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

CSV Conf

July 15, 2014 @ Kalkscheune
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We are bringing together data makers/doers/hackers from backgrounds like science, journalism, open government and the wider software industry to share tools and stories about how they collaborate on data, open and closed, big and small. This isn’t just about CSVs, but more about what the CSV stands for. Submit your proposals now!

Open Knowledge Community Summit

15 July, 2014 – 13.00-16.00 @ Kulturbrauerei (Franz Club/building, changed to Literaturwerkstatt – 100m from Franz), Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Berlin

We are thrilled to announce that the Open Knowledge community is organising a community session on July 15th, 2014 from 1pm – 4pm in the OKFestival venue (but in the Franz Club building adjacent to the venue building). The idea is to bring everyone together to reflect on the opportunities and challenges faced by the Open Knowledge community – so we hope as many as possible will join and help shape the agenda of the community. Everyone is welcome, no matter whether whether you’re a senior community leader or brand new in this. Even if you’re just curious!

Sign-up via the Meetup-event – or read more in this blog post.

Open Knowledge Community Drinks

15 July, 2014 – 21.30 (after Open Knowledge Fair) @ Prater Garten, Kastanienallee 7-9, 10435 Berlin

This is the informal community social session, where the community (in it’s broadest sense) comes together for a drink or two in good company.

Prater Garten is a no-reservation bier garten (so just show up, no registration needed) and takes 600 people, so we assume we can all fit in. Otherwise we’ll out spill into the street and take turns picking up drinks 😉 Everyone’s welcome, bring your friends, real or imaginary, to get them looped in with lots of Open Knowledge and open everything folks!
And please note: Even though we’d love to offer you all drinks, we are a non-profit that need to use our hard earned limited funding on changing the world – so hope you will not mind funding your own drinkables at this social gathering 🙂

#openfashion14 edit-a-thon

July 16, 2014 – 19.00-21.00
LIV – Feinkost & Wein, Chorinerstraße 19, 10435 Berlin

Join us at at the cafe ‘LIV – Feinkost & Wein' for a communal editing session of sustainability entries regarding fashion brands, as part of Wikirate.org’s #openfashion14 campaign.

All participants will be assisted with a site demo upon arrival. Please bring your laptop; free drinks and snacks will be provided.

RSVP here or if you're not on Facebook, let us know by e-mail: Lucia (a) wikirate (dot) org

Open Data in Cultural Heritage – OpenGLAM in Germany

July 15, 2014, 9:30 – 13:00
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V., Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24, 10963 Berlin
The OpenGLAM initiative and DM2E project are organising a workshop at Wikimedia Deutschland on open cultural data, with a special focus on German cultural heritage institutions. Join us to discuss how to overcome the barriers to opening up cultural data, and hear from Europeana, Wikidata, the German Digital Library and others. We will also kickstart a local OpenGLAM network for German institutions interested in open cultural content and open access.

Open Data in Developing Countries: Research Sharing

July 15, 2014, 13:00 – 17:00 @ Wikimedia Deutschland e.V., Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24, 10963 Berlin
In 2013, the Web Foundation launched the “Open Data in Developing Countries” project. The goal? To learn key lessons from open data projects in developing countries and deepen understanding of how open data can be harnessed for change for citizens across the world. This afternoon seminar will hear from the case study parters in the ODDC network, sharing findings from year one of the project, and discussing how to turn research into action that improves open data initiatives worldwide. Registration required.

Hive Berlin & Open Coalition Meet-Up

July 16, 2014, 19:00 – 21:00 @ Wikimedia Deutschland e.V., Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24, 10963 Berlin
Hive Berlin is a growing constellation of communities that are championing digital skills and web literacy through connected learning. Our monthly meet-up is a way to learn about projects in Berlin and connect with fellow educators and technologists.This meet-up will be a special edition for #OKFest, as we team up with the Open Coalition and talk about the larger open ecosystem and its impact on education. No registration necessary, although it helps to let us know you’re coming.


July 16, 2014 AND July 18, 2014 – 19:00-23:00 @ Thoughtworks Werkstatt, Mülhauser Str. 6, rear house, 1st floor

Attend a CryptoParty to learn and teach how to use basic cryptography tools. A CryptoParty is free, public and fun. People bring their computers, mobile devices, and a willingness to learn! CryptoParty is a decentralized, global initiative to introduce the most basic cryptography software and the fundamental concepts of their operation to the general public, such as the Tor anonymity network, public key encryption (PGP/GPG), and OTR (Off The Record messaging). CryptoParties are free to attend, public, and commercially and politically non-aligned. Join us!

Open Knowledge in the Nordics – a meet-up for friendly vikings and everyone else

July 16, 2014 – 18.00-20.00 @ St. Oberholz, Rosenthaler Straße 72a, 10119 Berlin


Open Knowledge Local Groups have recently emerged in many of the Nordic countries, including Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark. Sharing many cultural traits these groups are now working together to increase collaborations across the region, just the vikings did a thousand years ago. Expect less mead and pillaging this time around though 😉

This meet-up is for everybody, also non-Nordics! The idea is give everyone a chance in an informal setting to connect with Open Knowledge folks and communities the Nordic region. If you’re interested in Nordic projects, or have an related thoughts, please come along!

The agenda is taking shape in this planning etherpad, feel free to contribute!

Register here – or if you’re a non Facebookie, add your name in the pad above – or just plain and simple show up.

Open : Data : Cooperation

July 16, 2014 – 18:00 – 20:00 @ Open Knowledge Germany Office, 3rd Floor, Singerstraße 109, 10179 Berlin

ODM Smaller

Join us for an informal discussion around data cooperatives. From personal data co-operatives, through to organisation-level open data collaboration, there is a lot of interest around the notion of a data cooperative. Whilst the idea of member-owned organisations and open data seems logical, a number of interesting challenges arise.

Please sign up using the link as numbers are limited.

Open Mapping Happy Hour at Open Knowledge Festival Berlin

July 16th, 2014 – 19.00 – ? @ Prater Garten, Kastanienallee 7-9, 10435 Berlin



Join the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap TeamCartoDBDevelopment SeedZeit Online and Mapbox to talk open mapping strategies and tools over drinks. Heather LesonIan SchulerJavier de la TorreAlex Barth and Paul Blickle are in town and ready to connect over humanitarian response, data visualizations, OpenStreetMap and satellite imagery.

Register here.

Open science outside English-speaking communities: Founding a german-speaking Open Science Working Group

July 16, 2014, 19:00-23:00 @ Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V., Singerstraße 109, 10179 Berlin
This will be a kick-off meeting for a German-speaking Open Science Working Group. We want to bring together the different spheres of opening up science in the German-speaking countries to focus more on the their scientific culture and specific aspects regarding the them. Connecting the existing open scientists, learning from already started working groups and getting in touch with other open communities. It will consist of people from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Berlin Open Access Roundtable

July 16, 2014 – 19:30 – ? @ ScienceOpen, Schliemannstr. 10, 10437 Berlin


The ScienceOpen Open Access Roundtable is a monthly forum for young scientists in Berlin to network and discuss all topics around open science. We have planned this month's meeting as a satellite event during the Open Knowledge Festival. Joseph McArthur, of the Rights to Research Coalition (www.righttoresearch.org) and David Carroll of Open Access Button group (openaccessbutton.org) will be there to talk about student advocacy for Open Access. Join us and bring a friend! Registration not required, but helpful.

Registere here.

Open Science @ ArtLaboratory Berlin

July 17, 2014 – 18:30 – late @ ArtLaboratory Berlin, Prinzenallee 34, 13359 Berlin.

Join the OK Open Science Working Group and Berlin BioHackers for a fascinating evening at ArtLaboratory Berlin with a private tour of the [macro]biologies II: organisms exhibition.
The tour will be followed by a short set of informal lightning talks around open science and biohacking followed by dinner at Relais de Savanne, a non-profit African restaurant run by the Deutsch Togoischer Freundeskreis (German-Togolese Circle of Friends) which contributes to healthcare projects in Togo.

Due to space limitations, only 20 places are available for the tour but do sign up for dinner even if you miss out on a place. All are welcome! Sign up is free with a suggested donation to the gallery of minimum 5 EUR pp on the night.

Sign up here.

AWAC Afterparty

July 17, 2014 – 20.30 – ? @ CLUB, Biebricher Straße 14, 12053 Berlin (U8 Boddinstrasse)


Join AWAC and their invited artists for a party at Neukölln bar The CLUB! Tickets are free while supplies last and available at all the AWAC OKFestival workshops (and the first vodka is on AWAC).  DJ Predator Prime will be spinning some sick jams. Get your ticket ASAP!

Open Development Fringe Event

18 July, 2014 – 9.30-17.00 @ Wikimedia Deutschland, 23-24 Tempelhofer Ufer 10963 Berlin
Open Dev Fringe Event

This is an all day fringe event organised by the Open Development Working Group and kindly sponsored by Making All Voices Count. We will have a few set participatory sessions (no Powerpoints!) in addition to open space that will allow participants to explore important issues and relevant themes that have emerged over the course of sessions and discussions at OKFestival.

Sign-up via the Eventbrite page  & find further details about proposed sessions from IATI- TAG, Making All Voices Count and others on the event’s etherpad. It is not too late to contribute your ideas!

Food and drinks will be provide and attendance is free!

Text and Data Mining Workshop

July 18, 2014 – 9.30-17.00 (+ evening social event) @ Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Invalidenstraße 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany

A hands-on workshop on text and data mining, introducing concepts, tools and techniques, and ending with a discussion of legal considerations. Please register so we may gauge participant interest. Note, a laptop with a Unix-y OS will be required. This workshop will require coding.

MMM: Mapping socio-ecologic innovation

July 18, 2014 – 10:00-18:00 @ Spreeacker Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg. 10179 Berlin-Mitte.
Join our intermediary review of this international mapping process and learn more about collective mapping in the age of data. MMM is an initiative formed by more than 20 organizations within the fields of collective economies to collaborate on Mapping Alternative Social and Ecologic Innovation. Initiated in autumn 2013, followed by a kick off Munich Mapping Meeting in March 2014, we're now on our Road to Degrowth. Collaborative efforts are thriving everywhere, but still lack visibility. Where cartographic visualizations exist, they are limited in scope, scattered and under-used. This process aims at collecting, linking and visualizing existing groups, projects and initiatives of the collaborative economy. Register here.

Can Open Knowledge Save Your Life?

July 18, 2014 – 11.00-13.00 @ Betahaus, Berlin , Prinzessinnenstrasse 19-20, 10969 Berlin


At this meetup , hosted by UAEM and Commons Network we will reflect on synergies between the open knowledge and access to medicines movements. We will discuss open knowledge in the light of ongoing debates around global access to affordable medicines.

We can learn from the success of the open knowledge movement in reaching a broad public. Yet employing the concept of open knowledge might not be sufficient to foster the common good. How can open knowledge save lives?
for more info: http://commonsnetwork.eu/okfest/

Everybody is welcome to join the debate, just let us know you are coming info (a) commonsnetwork (dot) eu

Write the Docs EU Unconference

July 19-20, 2014 – venue TBC
Write the Docs Unconferences are peer-to-peer events focused on documentation systems, tech writing theory, and information delivery.
Immerse yourself in knowledge and insight, shared by peers, about the art and science of documentation. You won't find this unique intersection of people, talents and interests anywhere else. We invite all those who write the docs to spread the word: Docs or it didn’t happen!
Sign up to receive registration information, coming soon!


Not in Berlin

Fringe INDIA 2014

July 20, 2014 in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

The following are the topics that will be dealt in the Fringe INDIA 2014 :
Introduction to FOSS; How to install a Linux based operating system; How to navigate the Linux desktop, using applications and installing software.; How to get help and support; How to compute and communicate in a language of your choice.
More specific sessions: General office and internet applications; Linux installation (hands-on); Audio/Video editing tools (hands-on); Desktop publishing tools (hands-on); New-age licensing concepts (Creative Commons etc); Migration to FOSS with minimal hassles; Compatibility of FOSS software with proprietary ones.
Further info at fossyatra.wordpress.com & netwebsteps@gmail.com

I Encuentro por el Conocimiento Abierto (First Meeting for Open Knowledge El Salvador)

July 15, 2014 – 08.00-12.00 @ La Casa Tomada in San Salvador, Centro Cultural de España en El Salvador

Spanish: Es el I Encuentro por el Conocimiento Abierto organizado en el país para promover las bondades del conocimiento para una sociedad integradora. El evento es coordinado por INSERT (www.datoselsalvador.org), Creative Commons El Salvador y la Asociación de Bibliotecarios de El Salvador. Con el apoyo del Centro Cultura de España en El Salvador, La Casa Tomada y El Proyecto de La Casa Tomada: Cultura entre todos para construir nuevos mundos financiado por la Unión Europea. Estará disponible en transmisión en línea en www.encuentro.conocimientoabierto.org

English: This is the first Meeting for Open Knowledge in El Salvador, and has been organizated by INSERT (www.datoselsalvador.org), Creative Commons El Salvador, OKFN El Salvador and the Association of Librarians of El Salvador. With the support of Centro Cultural de España en El Salvador, La Casa Tomada and the Projecto: Culture for all to built a new world for all by European Union. We expect to have aroun 75 people on the event and will be available by streaming at www.encuentro.conocimientoabierto.org

Más detalles en / more details at: encuentro.conocimientoabierto.org

More Fringe Events will be posted here as we hear about them.

Want to run a Fringe Event?

Great!! We'd love to see your fringe event complement our programme and engage the huge open community who will be in Berlin for the festival. We won’t be able to help you with getting sponsorship or booking venues for these events, but please let us know as soon as you have organised one, so we can help you to promote it across our social media and add it to the Fringe Programme below. Fringe events do not follow the Call for Proposals timeline, and can be organised and proposed anytime until the core event takes place.

Tell us about your Fringe Event

Possible venues for your Fringe Event

Co-working spaces, often hosting meetups and workshops, day and night
The Wye
Agora Collective
Tante Renate
Hacker and maker spaces which are also meetup and workshop venues
FabLab Berlin
C-Base Hackerspace
Event spaces
Vierte Welt
Lehrter Siebzehn
Platoon Kunsthalle
Bar & coffee places with good WiFi where many tech meetups take place
St. Oberholz
Mein Haus am See

Suggest another space for Fringe Events